Saturday, 1 December 2012

Happy 1st December

Happy 1st December!!!
I know people say it every year, but this year it really does seem that everyone is getting festive a whole lot earlier. The town's Christmas lights have been lit, visits to santa have been made, people have even started posting pictures on Facebook of their decorated trees! All the festivities have obviously rubbed off in George as he was desperate to get our tree down from the loft and put it up with Daddy tonight. Needless to say, Adam wasn't too keen, but after a bit of gentle persuasion from George, (pleeeeeease Daddy) he caved and went up to get it for him! They set it up together but he was told that we wouldn't decorate it yet (a mix of it being a little too early still and not being organised enough to get the decorations down too). So the tree is up. It's very bare but it's up and ready to be made all sparkly and beautiful, so watch this space for a picture of its transformation!

We are lucky enough to have lots if lovely Christmas books. I LOVE children's books and LOVE Christmas, so put them together and I'm in heaven! I collect copies of 'the night before christmas' story and get a new one every year. We will read a christmas themed book together every night now till the big day and first up is 'the nativity story puzzle book'. George got this from his Auntie a couple of years ago, he loves puzzles so much and is very good at them. This year it's a bit simple for him but he quite enjoyed that, "this is lemon squeezy Mummy" (easy peasy, lemon squeezy)! I mentioned yesterday that I heard a tradition of reading a bedtime story by candlelight (advent candle) and although we don't have an advent candle yet, it is something I'd like to do. I may have to go on a hunt tomorrow or start a DIY project, but either way, i'll keep you posted with what i come up with! In the mean time, have you guys got any festive traditions you'd be willing to share with us please? We really really would love to hear them x 

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